Tuesday, April 12, 2011

End of Semester Snap

Well it's that time of year again, you know, the time when everything is due all at the same time and even though you've been working on it all along there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. That's the case for me as well as everyone else. I've been so busy lately that leisure time stresses me out. It's healthy to take a break between studying and stressing, but when the impending doom of finals week is rearing it's ugly head over the horizon, you can't help but feel guilty taking a 15 minute break, watching a tv show, or taking a quick walk in the fresh air (in between sporadic rain and snow storms). Heck, I even feel guilty right now for blogging since I've been studying for the past couple of hours.

In retail, the labor budget is driven by sales. When people buy, you work more. When they don't, you don't. When I need the hours the most, nobody buys anything, and when I need time to study, people are busting down the doors to buy stuff. I don't mean to complain about the hours, they are much needed. But they come at the most inconvenient times! I've got two tests this week, a test and group presentation next week, and a paper due that I don't even know when. Could be this week, or next, or the one after, I don't know.

I guess I lost my mind Saturday night. I went to Baby Animal days and got my shoes all muddy, and my feet were wet. I hardly slept at all, and when I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel well at all. No one can ever cover for you last minute, so I ended up having to work that night. I felt like a robot. I was on auto pilot. I didn't think, I just moved, spoke, ate, and when it was time to finally end my day with rest: I waited. and waited. a few hours I waited. Robots don't sleep. I don't believe C3PO at all when he said he was going to rest his circuits. It's like that creepy kid in AI, he just stares through the night waiting for the humans to wake up and teach him how to eat human food.

So monday I slept in until 12:30, I was lucky to have finally fallen asleep sometime around 3:30 or 4. Hopefully tonight won't be a rerun of last night. My shoulders are so tight I have a dull pain in them most of the time. I'm using my massage chair constantly. Today while working in the HR office I pulled my back lifting some boxes too. Oh semester, please end soon. Be kind to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jake. This too shall pass.
