Monday, March 14, 2011

Got the job!

These past few months have been pretty hard. Hannah and I have had a lot of hopes and a lot of let downs. I applied for several HR internships only to be let down time and time again. We found the perfect summer job opportunity where we could both work at a resort in southern Utah and thought for sure we were going to get it along with some of our friends who were very qualified for the job. We were crushed when that plan fell through, but excited to try an even better job at a resort by Bear Lake where the manager was very excited about giving us the opportunity to work. We were let down again by bad news that we didn't have the right equipment to fulfill the position. Then, I was invited to an interview by a guy who said my resume was the best he'd seen and was excited to interview me if I could begin working full time in mid march. Again we were let down wondering if we would find anything at all. I interviewed with a very solid internship that never contacted me back, despite my attempt at contacting them for a follow up.

We kept praying and waiting patiently for an opportunity to come along, and then it did. Last year we went to Disneyland for spring break and had a great time. This year we didn't make any plans, and I worked a lot at Best Buy. Hannah frequently checked the job board at school for any signs of an internship or a job for the summer. On Wednesday she found a job appear in the HR department of USU. She excitedly told me about, and I called right away to schedule an appointment. I was told that only five applicants would be considered and that I should email my resume ASAP. I did so, and an interview was set up for Thursday morning. At the interview I was told that of the three applicants, I was the only one who A) followed instructions, and B) actually met the qualifications for the job. We had a great conversation and I felt very good about the interview. I was told that the job needed to be fulfilled very soon and that I would find out within a few days the final decision. Today I was extended an offer for the job.

The job is pretty simple, for now. The title is Office Assistant, and my big project for now is to file the ongoing stacks of immense paperwork that flow through the office daily. I'll also be tackling the daunting task of archiving documents from 1997-2005. There will be various tasks and projects that I will be assigned as they arise. Yeah, doesn't sound like a great job, right? Wrong! I was told there are plenty of opportunities to progress and move on to more meaningful positions. This is much better than an internship. We don't have to relocate, and I can work in an HR office throughout the rest of my college career. How good would it look on a resume to say I've got a few years of experience in an HR department? How great is it to be familiar with the paperwork that validates the existence of my chosen profession? An internship goes for maybe four months, and how will your employer know exactly what you've done? We are so thankful for this opportunity. Our prayers and fasts have been answered, and we are full of gratitude.

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