Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yesterday we went "looking" at Petsmart and I knew we would end up with another rat. I had promised Hannah that in March we could get a friendcito for Hamlet, so we got Othello. He is white with a black hood and stripe, and is smaller than Hamlet. Othello is pretty different from Hamlet. When we give Hamlet a rat bath, he wigs out and scratches my arms all up trying to get out of the sink. Othello on the other hand just swims around in the sink casually, and when it's time to dry off doesn't make a fuss about it. He likes to hide in his hut all day, and when we move the hut for him to come out he just follows the hut. He makes this weird sound like he is laughing so I think he's kind of sick. Also he smells way different from Hamlet. Hamlet within a day or two was completely comfortable in his new home, but Othello seems to need his sweet time to adjust. It's amazing how different the personalities are between the two, but the one thing they seem to have in common is that they have a defense mechanism for when they are scared which is they begin to poop all over you.

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