Friday, February 18, 2011

Things that disgust me

People who come in to my workplace without showering in the last forever
The Black Eye Peas
Lady Goo Goo
Twilight fans
Michael Moore
Sarah Palin
Mysterious smells on the bus
People who think they are mythical creatures
Bipolar weather
Parents who yell at their kids in public rest rooms or hit them with cardboard boxes in Smiths Marketplace
Exams with material not covered in the book or class
Rice cakes

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Big trucks and big jerks

Why is it that big trucks make people feel entitled to be big jerks? Ive been cut off and nearly rear ended by tailgating big moustached truck driving gun toting camo wearing pure blooded american as apple pie republican cowboys more times this week than i can count. My wife was treated like dirt on the bottom of this idiots boots for asking him politly to move his stupid ford truck out of our designated parking spot. He didnt apologize or let alone acknowledge her presence. What gives you the right to treAt people this way? Do you think that the fact that your belt buckle is bigger than your brain you can do whatever you want? From this week on im cowboyist for sure. Prove me wrong you half a dozen jerks that have ruined my week, prove me wrong.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Angry customers

Today I dealt with the worst customer I've ever met. He approached me hostile and looking for trouble and looking to trip me up. He set traps for me and then insulted me. His wife stood there with a smug look on her face and let him do it too. I tried to stay calm but I was red in the face and my hands shook uncontrolably. Finally I stood up for myself and put him in his place and he backed down. What a terrible day at work.


Saturday my wife and I bought two goldfish. We named them Jimmy and Squatting-Bear. Unfortunately when we came home from school Monday, they were dead. And to make things worse, the bowl smelled like sulfur when I cleaned it out. So yesterday we did NOT buy the goldfish at walmart, and went to Petsmart. We bought two goldfish again, this time naming them Freddie and Jason. We'll see how long they last. I bought myself a little betta fish to put on my desk. Under the right light, he looks like he's glowing. I named him Eh, Steve? So far he is still alive, which I'm glad. He keeps uprooting the one plant I have in his little aquariumcito though which angers me. Stop it Eh, Steve? !

Monday, February 7, 2011


Nothing is more depressing then spending hours and hours during two weeks to prepare for an exam and then score well below what you had anticipated. Do professors take joy in creating tests that are almost impossible to do well on? I think yes. They say that for every hour in the class room you should have a two hours of study. So for my accounting class, I should have had about 4 hours of study which I doubled easily the two weeks prior to the exam. So...why is there no correlation between study time and performance? is my study time not effective? do professors hate students? why didn't the dog in the dorito commercial break the glass? These are questions I have.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl XxPXXKVIII or whatever number it is

I wonder how much money is made by the NFL every year by the superbowl. I noticed that they try to get just about every demographic to watch the game by bringing in bands like the Black Eye Peas, people like Christina Aguilera, and whatever her name is from that horrible tv show glee. Im pretty confident that guys who watch a lot of football don't like those things. Pretty sure.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Talking in sleep

Sometimes my wife will talk in her sleep. Normally its just mumbling and I can't tell what she is saying. I never thought that I talk in my sleep, but I guess you never assume you do anything strange. Apparently last night I groaned and then said, "i needs to jump". Whatever that means. I dont remember what it was about. I guess I needed to jump. Somewhere.

Floggers vs. Emo kids - An Essay

A Flogger (pronounced flow gur) is a "photo logger", a person that uses a social networking site called "photo log". pretty much it's a facebook where you just put pictures of yourself. It's a term that they use in Argentina to identify a certain group of people. I tried and tried to rap my head around the concept but it's a very strange phenomenon. The typical picture is where you take it of yourself by holding a camera above your head, tilting your head to one side and trying to look as pitiful as possible. This is how you identify a flogger. But there is much more to a flogger than this, much more. Floggers typically have what we would call an "emo haircut", believe that smiling makes you look weak, wear balloon pants, and video themselves dancing what looks like river dance and posting it to their social networking site. Apparently, a Flogger isn't just someone who vainly takes a bunch of pictures of themselves, it's a lifestyle.

Emo kids are a strange phenomenon that we have in the states. Most emo kids that i've known have similar backgrounds: 1) they come from white middle class families, 2) have loving parents, and 3) live in some delusional world where they believe they weren't hugged enough as a baby or that their parents hate them because they bought them a car, feed them, give them money to do stuff with their friends, and don't impose a curfew. Or something. Point number 3 must be the legitimate reason that explains why their hair only grows in the front, their headphones are an integral part of their head (except for when they take their bi-monthly shower), and they feel like regardless of their gender they must wear their mother's jeans. And black make up.
So hug your babies. Hold them so tight.

The one thing that floggers and emo kids definitely share in common is how much attention they try to bring to themselves. Every day is the worst day of their life, no one can possibly understand how hard their white middle class suburban life is, and their unrequited love life is so sensationally depressing that every weak attempt at poetry or song lyrics are based on that one moment that they perpetually live inside. The ironic part of all this, is although they say, "I just want to be left alone," and "nobody understands me," but they 1) spend a lot of time with their other emo friends who look just like them and make the same ridiculous claims, and 2)spend a lot of time on social networking sites dropping hints every ten minutes that they don't believe in love or make sure to post as many pictures of themselves frowning as they can so that we do understand that they are "so sad, so very very sad".

To an emo kid or a flogger you are only as cool as you are depressed. Thus, depression is not a psychological problem but the only way to pick up chicks. Their profile picture changes constantly because there are an infintismal number of ways you can frown at a camera and be convincing enough that you're still hurting over that boy or girl back in second grade who took your heart and your colored pencils and moved to Spain, ruining your childhood, and forbidding the back of your head to grow equal lengths with the front.

So there you have it. Take my advice: if you see a group of floggers or emo kids standing, lounging, or sitting in your path as you make your way down the halls at your local high school or on the sidewalk outside the mall, step with caution. You may slip in a puddle of their tears, unblock the sun so that it shines on them, or simply remind them what normal people look like. You don't want to end up as a bitter lyric quoted in the caption of their next photo shoot for their wall post, do you?

Conversation with Jon

i see
how intriguing
so what did you say after he licked the table?
uh huh
wow, how utterly disgusting
no, i never claimed to have been abducted by aliens
that's preposterous
no, that fact that i used the word 'preposterous'
i didn't think it would come to that
now that you mention it though, he does look like an aardvark that sniffed cocaine and swallowed a mouthful of lemon juice
not that i've seen one, of course
well, not lately anyway
but there was this one time, at the zoo when some monkeys threw poop at us
it was simply traumatizing
can you imagine? the horror? i had nightmares for years
no, i really did. and what made it worse was when Michael Myers from Halloween tried to kill me while i was eating applesauce
turns out, he doesn't like applesauce
that and i think jamie lee curtis was inside my applesauce
oh, hello jaime lee, how the heck did you get in my applesauce?
you little bugger, get out!
and by that time I realized that i was just another mustard seed dusted pretzel in a plastic bag of doom like everyone else
waiting, yes, waiting to be lodged into President Bush's gargantuan esophagus.
i don't know, i think it's a species of ape
which reminds me, why didn't you send me a post card from the moon?
i sat by my mailbox for days
i ran out of money because i didn't go to work
i had to sell my body
no, not like that
i sold my plasma
day after day, though i know it's unhealthy
what could i do?
and then the legos started to arrive
they came one brick at a time
at first i didn't understand, but then i knew
Justin Bieber hated me
was it my hair? it could have been
was it that i went through puberty first? signs point to yes
so i started building, day after day i built with those legos
pretty soon i finished, and there it was before me, a giant replication of a bollweevil
it came naturally, of course, my thoughtless mind constructed it ever so easily. too easily. that's what i was told anyway my first time at disneyland
they told me, if you eat that much cotton candy, frozen bananas and deep fried twinkies you'll regret it
turns out i did, several times
but by then i had stopped caring, because i was a turtle
i didn't know when i first became a turtle
but i had a bad taste of mustard in my mouth.
the end

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog's Day

Nothing is as unfortunate as the name Punxsutawney Phil. And people wonder why he hides out all year long. I can't imagine how he must have felt in grade school; never learning how to properly spell his name, let alone pronounce it. This morning when P. Phil stuck his nose out of the hole and took a look around, the whole country held it's breath whether they knew it or not. And the verdict? P. Phil did not see a single Zombie. It isn't conclusive at all if the Zombie Apocalypse will be this spring or not, and lamentably Punxsutawney does not have the budget to pay P. Phil to stick his nose out more than once a year to tell us all what our own eyes can see. Could it be that P. Phil can psychically see into the future with those beady little eyes of his? Some traditions just don't make any sense.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weird Smells

So I smell a lot of weird things on my way to, during, and from school. Generally the smells are on the bus. Yesterday morning I got on the bus and my first instinct was, "wow, it smells like mushu pork." and indeed it did. I looked around me but there was no sign of Chinese food, unfortunately. On my way home from school, I got on the bus and the first thing I thought of was "ugh, it smells like a gerbil cage." gerbils have a pretty distinct smell. I've had rats, smelled ferrets and hamsters, but nothing is as distinct as gerbils. It's been years since I've had gerbils, but a nose never forgets. I wondered if it was the guy sitting next to me, but nope, turns out, it was the whole bus. Today at school I sat in the business building and the whole floor smelled like the pipes had exploded in the walls and raw sewage was everywhere. After awhile the smell wore off, and it smelled like a dumpster that hadn't been retrieved for a long time. I think I need to invest in some nose plugs.